Originally From: Philadelphia (Lansdale), Pennsylvania
What Keeps Me Going: My family & ride-or-die friends who support all of my crazy endeavors, and my desire to show up as the best version of me at whatever I toe the line and start
Favorite item in our shop: Balega socks & Oiselle apparel
What is your earliest sports story/memory?: My hand eye coordination is less than stellar. After “playing” lots of sports as a kid, in 2nd grade, I decided I’d jump in the kids race “peewee” at my big sister’s AAU Cross Country meet. In my Keds and tracksuit I asked my mom to hold my jacket, I was gonna go run. As I came around the corner on the course with only 1 boy ahead of me, my dad’s jaw dropped! I ended up getting second of about a hundred kids and got MY FIRST RACE MEDAL! I have not stopped loving this sport since!
Superlative: “She’s a magician. I may be gone for a few days and with her wizardry, she makes all the stuff at the shop go in new and exciting places that makes customers want to buy them.”
Meredith’s Superpower: “Ummm. See above. She like has magic and stuff.” – Brian Lesh