Meet Our Team

Bryan Staffey


What Keeps Me Going: In the shop hearing customers’ success stories. Watching their uncertainty grow into an unwavering confidence definitely fuels my fire. Some mantras while putting in miles I use to keep me going: Today I can, maybe tomorrow I can’t. Take just 1 more step.

Favorite item in our shop: Tailwind Nutrition & TYR Special Ops goggles. Some all time favorites: My historic go-to’s have been an arsenal of ALTRAS, Saucony Freedom(1st version), Altra Olympus 1.5, NB 1080 v12

What is your earliest sports story/memory?: I’m old, I forgot. It’s better to be a Has-been than a Never-Been.

Superlative: “Bryan is most likely to show up… and bail you out of jail.  There is no one more loyal on the planet than Bryan.  We often joked that he is the guy when we need help will show up at the drop of a hat.  You need bail money? Need to borrow his truck? Need help changing a headlight? Need someone to wait in Chick-Fil-A drive thru because Hatcher and Lee are starving? Bryan is 100% ready and loyal to his people, his teammates”.

Bryan’s Superpower: “Bryan can read minds. Maybe it is his training with the military or his background in law enforcement.  Maybe he was just born with the gift! Either way he can ask a question and already know the answer. This helps with negotiations with reps, getting intel on new products or just knowing what he has missed at the store when away on an adventure. (Secret: Bryan’s ability to read minds may have a lot to do with his ability to do something very simple…listen)” – Lee Hopkins